
Faculty Team


宋弘恩 (103客座教授)美John Jay刑事司法學院







●Beverly Frazier, Hung-En Sung, Lior Gideon, Karla Alfaro ﹐”The impact of prison deinstitutionalization on mental health and substance abuse treatment services in local communities﹐”Criminal Justice Policy Review﹐ In press ﹐2015﹐
●Valli Rajah、Ronald Kramer、Hung-En Sung ﹐”The mis-synchronization of juvenile reform: Competing constructions of temporality and risk among rehabilitation programs and young offenders﹐”The British Journal of Criminology﹐ In press ﹐2015﹐ (SSCI)
●Sungsuk V. Yu、 Hung-En Sung、Jeff Mellow ﹐”Self-perceived health improvements among prison inmates﹐”Journal of Correctional Health Care﹐ In press ﹐2015﹐
●Ronald Kramer、Valli Rajah、Hung-En Sung ﹐”Entrapments of consumerism: Adolescent prisoners, cognitive treatment, and consumption﹐”Journal of Consumer Culture﹐ In press ﹐2015﹐ (SSCI)
●Hung-En Sung, Jeff Mellow, Roger Vaughan, Ernest Drucker ﹐”Building infrastructure and capacity for correctional health research in a college of criminal justice: Lessons and promises﹐”The Prison Journal﹐ In press ﹐2015﹐ (SSCI)

●Doris Chu、Hung-En Sung﹐”Professional confidence and job satisfaction: An examination of counselors’ perceptions in faith-based and non-faith-based residential drug treatment programs﹐”International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology﹐ Vol.58 No.8 ﹐2014/8﹐ PP.975~992. (SSCI)
●Valli Rajah、Ronald Kramer、Hung-En Sung﹐”Changing narrative accounts: How young men tell different stories when arrested, enduring jail time and navigating community reentry﹐”Punishment & Society﹐ Vol.16 No.3 ﹐2014/7﹐ PP.285~304. (SSCI)
●Katarzyna Celinska、Hung-En Sung﹐”Gender differences in the determinants of prison rule violations﹐”The Prison Journal ﹐ Vol.94 No.2 ﹐2014/6﹐ PP.220~241. (SSCI)
●Doris Chu、Hung-En Sung﹐”Causation of drug abuse and treatment strategy: A comparison of counselors’ perceptions between faith-based and secular drug treatment programs﹐”International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology﹐ Vol.58 No.4 ﹐2014/4﹐ PP.496~515. (SSCI)
●Sung-suk Yu、Hung-En Sung、Jeff Mellow、Amy Shlosberg﹐”The prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation among parolees﹐”Psychiatric Services﹐ Vol.65 No.3 ﹐2014/3﹐ PP.381~386. (SSCI)

●Doris Chu、Hung-En Sung﹐”The varieties of religious experience and the retention of clients in Taiwanese faith-based residential drug user treatment﹐”Substance Use & Misuse﹐ Vol.48 No.12 ﹐2013/9﹐ PP.535~556. (SSCI)
●Ronald Kramer、Valli Rajah、Hung-En Sung﹐”Neoliberal prisons and cognitive treatment: Calibrating the subjectivity of incarcerated young men to economic inequalities﹐”Theoretical Criminology﹐ Vol.17 No.4 ﹐2013/8﹐ PP.535~556. (SSCI)

●Hung-En Sung﹐”Women in government, public corruption and liberal democracy: A panel analysis﹐”Crime, Law and Social Change﹐ Vol.58 No.3 ﹐2012/10﹐ PP.195~219. (SSCI)
●Hung-En Sung、 Doris C. Chu、 Gail Y. Hsiao﹐”A Cox regression analysis of gender differences in treatment performance among clients in a faith-based residential drug treatment program in Taiwan﹐”International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice﹐ Vol.37 No.2 ﹐2012/10﹐ PP.99~117. (SSCI)
●Hung-En Sung、 Jeff Mellow﹐”Health and justice in the 21st century: Criminalization of disease, medicalization of justice, and beyond﹐”Corrections Compendium﹐ Vol.36 No.3 ﹐2012/9﹐ PP.11~16.
●Hung-En Sung﹐”Pregnancy and drinking among women offenders under community supervision in the United States: 2002-2008﹐”Journal of Urban Health﹐ Vol.89 No.3 ﹐2012/2﹐ PP.500~509. (SSCI)
●Doris C. Chu、 Hung-En Sung、 Gail Y. Hsiao﹐”Religious conversion and treatment outcomes: An examination of clients in a faith-based residential substance treatment program﹐”Journal of Drug Issues﹐ Vol.42 No.2 ﹐2012/1﹐ PP.197~209. (SSCI)

●Ivan Y. Sun、 Doris C. Chu、Hung-En Sung﹐”The mediating effects of economic deprivation on crime: A cross-national analysis﹐”Asian Journal of Criminology﹐ Vol.6 No.1 ﹐2011/6﹐ PP.15~32.
●Hung-En Sung﹐”From diversion to reentry: Recidivism risks among graduates of an alternative to incarceration program﹐”Criminal Justice Policy Review﹐ Vol.22 No.2 ﹐2011/6﹐ PP.219~234.
●Hung-En Sung、Jeff Mellow、 Annette M. Mahoney﹐”Substance abuse treatment gap among parolees: Prevalence, correlates, and barriers﹐”Criminal Justice Review﹐ Vol.36 No.1 ﹐2011/3﹐ PP.40~57.
●Hung-En Sung、Doris C. Chu﹐”The impact of substance user treatment on legitimate employment and income among probationers and parolees﹐”Substance Use & Misuse﹐ Vol.46 No.12 ﹐2011/3﹐ PP.1523~1535. (SSCI)

●Hung-En Sung﹐”Nonfatal violence-related and accident-related injuries among jail inmates﹐”The Prison Journal﹐ Vol.90 No.3 ﹐2010/8﹐ PP.353~368. (SSCI)
Hung-En Sung﹐”Prevalence and risk factors of violence-related and accident-related injuries among state prisoners﹐”Journal of Correctional Health Care﹐ Vol.16 No.3 ﹐2010/7﹐ PP.178~187.
●Hung-En Sung、Jeff Mellow、 Annette M. Mahoney﹐”Co-occurring mental health and substance use problems among local jail inmates: Correlates and service needs﹐”Journal of Offender Rehabilitation﹐ Vol.49 No.2 ﹐2010/2﹐ PP.1726~145.

●Doris C. Chu、 Hung-En Sung﹐”Racial differences in desistance from drug abuse: The impact of religiosity on recovery﹐”International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology﹐ Vol.53 No.6 ﹐2009/12﹐ PP.696~716. (SSCI)
●Staci Strobla、 Hung-En Sung﹐”Attitudes about gender integration among Bahraini policewomen﹐”Policing & Society﹐ Vol.19 No.4 ﹐2009/11﹐ PP.425~441.
Hung-En Sung﹐”Transnational corruption in weapon procurement in East Asia: A case analysis﹐”Sociological Focus﹐ Vol.42 No.3 ﹐2009/1﹐ PP.254~275.
●Patrick B. Johnson、 Hung-En Sung﹐”Substance abuse among aging baby boomers: Health and treatment implications﹐”Journal of Addictions Nursing﹐ Vol.20 No.3 ﹐2009/1﹐ PP.124~126. (SSCI)
●Hung-En Sung、Doris C. Chu、 Linda Richter、Amy Shlosberg﹐”Treatment philosophy and service delivery in faith-based residential treatment﹐”Families in Society﹐ Vol.90 No.4 ﹐2009/1﹐ PP.390~398. (SSCI)

●Hung-En Sung、Linda Richter﹐”Rational choice and environmental deterrence in the retention of mandated drug abuse treatment clients﹐”International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology﹐ Vol.51 No.6 ﹐2007/12﹐ PP.686~702. (SSCI)
●Ivan Y. Sun、 Hung-En Sung、Doris C. Chu﹐”Collateral gains from the military? A cross-national analysis of the armed forces-crime relationship﹐”International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology﹐ Vol.51 No.5 ﹐2007/10﹐ PP.599~614. (SSCI)

●Lior Gideon、Hung-En Sung﹐”Rethinking Corrections: Rehabilitation, Reintegration, and Reentry”﹐Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage﹐2011﹐英文.

●Janet Stamatel、Hung-En Sung ﹐”Crime and Punishment around the World Vol. 2: The Americas ”﹐Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO﹐2010﹐英文.

●Hung-En Sung﹐”The fragmentation of Policing in American Cities: Toward an Ecological Theory of Police-Citizen Relations”﹐Westport, CT: Praeger﹐2002﹐英文.