「臺灣犯罪學」」為學術性刊物,由國立台北大學犯罪學研究所及中華民國犯罪學學會共同出版,每年六、十二月出版。本刊希望提供國內、外犯罪學與刑事政策研究學者、實務工作者以及研究生一個發表研究成果、激盪研究想法、促成合作關係的園地。特別鼓勵具有原創性、符合學術論文要件的稿件踴躍投稿 。歡迎國內外犯罪學、刑事政策、法律與社會問題等相關領域實徵研究與理論探討論文投稿。但已在他處發表之文稿恕不刊登(研討會論文不在此限)。
※本刊與國家圖書館、元照出版有限公司、華藝數位股份有限公司、凌網科技股份有限公司、法源資訊股份有限公司及EBSCO Publishing, Inc.,分別簽訂「遠距圖書服務系統授權合作協議」、「數位出版合約書」、「數位文獻合作計畫」、「出版單位合作協議書」及「著作利用授權合約書」,讀者可利用國家圖書館『臺灣期刊論文索引系統』、元照出版社『月旦法學知識庫』、華藝CEPS『中文電子期刊服務』、凌網科技『數位出版品營運平台』、法源資訊股份有限公司『法源法律網』及EBSCO Information Services『資料庫平台』,透過網路於線上下載、列印與瀏覽本刊論文全文。※
Taiwanese Journal of Criminology
Taiwanese Journal of Criminology is published in cooperation with the Graduate School of Criminology, National Taipei University, Taiwan, Republic of China and Taiwan Society of Criminology, Taiwan, Republic of China. Its articles represent diverse research and analyses on criminology and criminal justice policies in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China, USA, the UK and other societies worldwide. It is a semi-annual (June and December), peer-reviewed publication that publishes a variety of articles in the fields of criminology, victimology, policing, prosecution, sentencing, corrections, community treatment and other aspects of criminal justice policy and practice.
Taiwanese Journal of Criminology is now collaborating with the READncl-Remote Electronic Access/Delivery of the National Central Library (“READncl System”) to provide our readers a more convenient way to access the full-text of the journal articles. All of the articles accepted will be subject to the copyright license agreement, starting from September 2004. At the time of first submission, the authors are required to offer their agreement to grant Graduate School of Criminology, National Taipei University to sublicense the READncl-Remote Electronic Access/Delivery of the National Central Library ("READncl System") or any other database provider to reproduce, transmit publicly by Internet, download, print and browse by authorized users. The submissions may be changed in order to meet the requirement of READncl System or other database. Copyright License Agreement A、Copyright License Agreement B